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We are often asked when cement mosaic tile is the best choice, but it is such a versatile and balanced tile in terms of quality, price and aesthetics, that it is much easier to answer the opposite question: when is it not the best choice?

Although cement tiles are once again becoming a trend in interior design due to the many advantages they offer, there are several situations or particular objectives for which they are not necessarily the best investment. Below we indicate what they are, and if you do not identify with any of them, then do not hesitate to choose hydraulic tiles for your project. 

1.- When aesthetics are not important

For residences, commercial premises and most workplaces, aesthetics is fundamental because it helps the space to transmit the right sensations. However, some workshops and factories would benefit more about other kinds of materials with more cushioning and that can withstand strong impacts. 

2.- When you want to invest the minimum in finishes

If for one reason or another the priority is to save costs in the immediate and you are not looking for balance in quality and price, but the most economical, there are cheaper coatings than the hydraulic mosaic, such as ceramic tiles, plaster or linolium. 

3.- When you are planning a change of finishes 

The cement mosaic is one of the most durable finishes, so if your plans include changing the coating soon after you put it, or you are going to sell a house or premises for the new owners to decorate it to their liking, it may not be the best idea to invest in tiles designed to last a lifetime and that are also not exactly easy to uninstall. 


4.- When you need a seamless surface

Cement mosaic tiles cannot be installed glued together because this would affect their strength. Sometimes, completely smooth surfaces are needed and in these cases it is better to use full sheets of other materials, such as marble or concrete. 


5.- When you are not going to give any maintenance 

Cement mosaic needs a very simple maintenance and resealing every two or three years. If for some reason you are not willing to give this care, you may be more about another option, although consider that all quality floors need to be polished from time to time, and the rest of the options reach the end of their useful life much earlier. 


6.- When you need a slip-resistant finish  

Cement mosaic tile is porous, but a sealing resin is always applied to it to make it smooth and is necessary to prevent it from warping and looking bad. If what you need is friction, wood, rubber or cement will work better.

7.- For high traffic exteriors 

Finally, consider that cement mosaic tile is ideal for residential exteriors, but perhaps not so much for heavy traffic exteriors, such as shopping mall patios or public plazas. This is because the combination of outdoor elements, sun, rain and heavy use may be more about what the tiles can handle, especially since they would require much more maintenance. 

And well… these are the only seven circumstances we found in which cement mosaic tile is not the most suitable investment, do you know of any others?

Don’t forget to check our catalog, in Studio Cement Tile we have exactly the type of hydraulic mosaic you are looking for, and if not, we can customize it for you!